Ins Netz gegan­gen am 5.11.:

  • Are you man enough for birth con­trol? | New­States­man → lau­rie pen­ny stellt in diesem inter­es­san­ten text die nachricht über den abbruch der test von hor­moneller geburtenkon­trolle an män­nern in den größeren zusam­men­hang:

    The sto­ry of a male con­tra­cep­tive jab halt­ed because men were too dis­tressed by the side effects to stay the course is as dis­ap­point­ing as it is famil­iar. It fits the cul­tur­al nar­ra­tive where­by men can’t pos­si­bly be trust­ed with tra­di­tion­al­ly female respon­si­bil­i­ties — from wash­ing up to chang­ing nap­pies, if you leave it to the guys, they’ll either flake out, fuck it up or both. We should sim­ply let them off the hook, and let the women get on with it, grit their teeth though they may. That’s nature’s way, or God’s, depend­ing on who you ask. But that’s not what hap­pened here. The real sto­ry is more inter­est­ing. The real sto­ry — of research halt­ed despite most of the men involved being enthu­si­as­tic, and a great many peo­ple all over the world won­der­ing why the hell male hor­mon­al con­tra­cep­tion isn’t a thing yet — is a sto­ry of col­lec­tive cul­tur­al resis­tance to sci­en­tif­ic progress. Once again, tech­no­log­i­cal advances that could improve people’s lives are on hold because we’re too social­ly back­ward to tell a dif­fer­ent sto­ry about sex, love and gen­der.

  • 7 Rea­sons So Many Guys Don’t Under­stand Sex­u­al Con­sent | cracked → David Wong über die rolle der durch kinofilme ver­mit­tel­ten män­ner­bilder und dort pos­i­tiv geze­ich­neten über­grif­fi­gen paarungssi­t­u­a­tio­nen für die aktuelle diskus­sion um zus­tim­mung zum sex