Hal Hig­don: Run Fast. How to Beat Your Best Time Every Time. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale 2000 [über­ar­beit­ete zweite Aus­gabe]. 246 Seit­en. ISBN 1–57954-269–7


  1. Fly­ing with­out Wings: The Thrill of Run­ning Fast
  2. First Base: “Leg­ging Up” Gets You in Shape
  3. Slow Down to Speed Up: Speed Train­ing with­out Speed­work
  4. Speed Endurance: Where Time Meets Inten­si­ty
  5. Jug­gling Work­outs: Make the Most of Train­ing Time
  6. Good Form: Smooth Out Your Stride
  7. Speed­work: Fine-Tune Your Train­ing
  8. The Mag­ic Work­out: Inter­val Train­ing Can Improve Your Speed
  9. Speed Play: Fartlek and Tem­po Train­ing
  10. Pure Speed: Improve Your Kick
  11. Dynam­ic Flex­i­bil­i­ty: Speed in Motion
  12. Hit the Hills: Climb Your Way To The Top
  13. Strength Does It: More Mus­cle Means More Speed
  14. The Pol­ish­ing Touch: Be Your Own Best Coach
  15. Detrain­ing and Retrain­ing: The Best Way to Get Back in Shape
  16. Ready to Race: Test Your Abil­i­ty to Run Fast
