Tim­o­thy D. Noakes: Lore of Run­ning. Fourth Edi­tion. Cham­paign, Ill.: Human Kinet­ics 2002. 931 Seit­en. ISBN 9780873229593.

  • Fore­word — Pre­fae to the Fourth Edi­ion — Acknowl­edge­ments — Intro­duc­tion: Some Reflec­tions on Run­ning
  1. Part I: Phys­i­ol­o­gy and Bio­chem­istry of Run­ning
    1. Mus­cle Struc­ture and Func­tion
    2. Oxy­gen Trans­port and Run­ning Econ­o­my
    3. Ener­gy Sys­tems and Run­ning Per­for­mance
    4. Tem­per­a­ture Reg­u­la­tion Dur­ing Exer­cise
  2. Part II: Train­ing Basics
    1. Devel­op­ing a Train­ing Foun­da­tion
    2. Learn­ing From the Experts
    3. Avoid­ing Over­train­ing
    4. Train­ing the Mind
  3. Part II: Trans­fer­ring Train­ing to Rac­ing
    1. 10K to Hal-Marathon
    2. Marathon
    3. Ultra­ma­rathon
    4. Push­ing the Lim­its of Per­for­mance
  4. Part IV: Run­ning Health
    1. Ergogenic Aids
    2. Stay­ing Injury Free
    3. Run­ning and Your Health
  • Ref­er­ences — Index — About the Author